Get more done in your portfolio.

VISBO measurably increases productivity. 


VISBO stops these two productivity killers in the project portfolio:

  • Too many projects and initiatives at the same time
  • Micro-Management

How is this possible?

We achieve this with the principles of the Execution Excellence Manifesto and the VISBO software

The six principles of the manifesto: (more details about the manifesto here )

  • Principle #1: Concentrate on a few things. Apply this principle at portfolio as well as project level
  • Principle #2: Use simple key performance indicators. Right from the start.
  • Principle #3: Start quickly. Improve continuously
  • Principle #4: Visualisation for everyone creates a common understanding
  • Principle #5: Avoid micromanagement. Give trust, demand commitment
  • Principle #6: Use modern cloud software and AI

The VISBO software

  • is a software for planning and controlling portfolios, programmes, projects and project team assignments
  • supports companies with visualisation, simulation and AI-supported optimisation to avoid getting bogged down with too many projects at the same time – and to maximise the value of the portfolio at the same time
  • is a software that avoids micromanagement by design

What we are particularly proud of:

Companies see the first measurable effects after just a few days, weeks at most. And things are continuously improving.



Your Benefits with VISBO

You will achieve transparency for all your initiatives in just a few days


No overloading of employees and resulting bottlenecks anymore. This will lead to shorter project durations and much less efforts.
The elimination of micromanagement leads to a considerable reduction in costs for all parties involved.



More projects can be finished successfully with the same team.


Want to know more?

Then schedule your first meeting right away here.



Key Software Characteristics

  • 1.Concentration on a few things

    VISBO recommends applying this principle at both the portfolio and project levels.

    Plan and monitor your projects based on key data points, such as crucial deadlines, deliverables, monthly resource demands, and expected revenues or benefits, to optimize efficiency and outcomes.

    Focus on the most valuable and important initiatives, rather than trying to do everything at once. Manage your Work-in-Progress within the overall portfolio to bring projects into a steady flow and shorten lead times.

  • 2.Visualization and Simulation

    Visualization for everybody ensures common understanding. Simply by browser.

    Top Management receives a first-glance impression of the current status and financial expectations of the entire portfolio.

    Department Managers get a quick overview of team utilization and potential bottlenecks, ranging from the department level down to individual team members. In cases of over-utilization, they can identify the projects involved and coordinate with project managers to resolve the issues.

    Project Managers get an automatically generated view comparing targets versus actuals in terms of costs, availability of resources, deadlines, deliveries, and expected benefits. They can also create alternate project plans to demonstrate strategies for getting back on track.

    Project Members get an overview of how their capacity is allocated across various projects.

  • 3.Automation and AI Assistance

    VISBO AI tackles complex and time-consuming tasks.

    It generates new project plans, drawing on skills from similar, successfully completed projects.

    It offers optimal start-date suggestions for new projects to ensure timely completion while avoiding resource bottlenecks across your entire portfolio.

    It offers tailored team member recommendations based on the necessary skills and available capacity, all while accounting for individual vacations and other active projects.

    It creates and updates PowerPoint reports for customer and board meetings.


We'd love to tell you more!

Contact us to learn more. Or check out our events. We're happy to meet you!