5 Workshops to get more done
The workshop series is designed for small and medium-sized enterprises with at least 50 employees and a significant number of projects and initiatives.
Which companies benefit from this workshop series?
Companies experiencing one or more of these “pain points”:
- The company’s profit is too low or even negative.
- Decisions take too long. As a result, several lucrative orders have already been lost.
- You have so many plans – but so little progress is being made.
- In the past, you have already experienced a number of ‘nasty project surprises’.
- It is not clear what impact starting new projects will have on capacity utilisation, profitability or liquidity.
- Employees feel permanently overloaded. Staff turnover is high.
Companies operating in a high-change environment:
- General conditions and requirements change frequently. As a result, deadlines are postponed and/or more capacity is required.
- Prioritisation changes.
- Every month there are many customer enquiries and internal project ideas that need to be decided.
What solution does the workshop series offer?
- We show why traditional project management methods and tools are meanwhile often counterproductive.
- Instead, you will learn an approach and solution to stop the two productivity killers ‘micromanagement’ and ‘too-many-projects-at-the-same-time’. As a result, projects can be completed orders of magnitude faster and more successfully. This increases profit and innovative strength.
- The management learns how to start the change now and how to keep it going with continous improvements.
What will be the results of the workshop series?
The participants
- know the principles and success factors for achieving better results with less effort.
- realise the importance and effectiveness they themselves have in this process.
- get an overview of the current and planned projects in their company or department.
- have a concrete idea of the benefits that can be expected for their company/department.
Execution Excellence Workshop Series Outline
There will be 5 half-day workshops with a duration of approx. 3-4 hours per workshop. The workshops take place on the company’s premises.
We recommend holding the workshops in relatively short succession, e.g. over a period of four weeks.
The specific dates are agreed individually with the company.
Workshop 1: Goals, Principles, Success Factors, and Benefits
Participants: Management, selected representatives from department heads, project managers
- Why are these two productivity killers ‘micromanagement’ and ‘too-many-projects-at-the-same-time’ so dangerous?
- The 6 principles to permanently stop these productivity killers and complete projects measurably faster and more successfully in future.
- How do you start a self-reinforcing change ?
Workshop 2: Creating an Overview of Your Projects
Participants: Project managers, occasional representatives from HR and department heads
- Uploading the resource pool: internal and external employees, holidays, other absences and external framework agreements
- Uploading the key data estimated by the project managers for all projects and plans
- Project team allocation: who works on which project?
- Visualisation and analysis of the automatically calculated key figures
Workshop 3: Anchoring the Process in the Company
Participants: Selected representatives from all roles
- How do you stop the two productivity killers ‘micromanagement’ and ‘too-many-projects-at-the-same-time’?
- What does this mean for management? What for middle management? What for the employees?
- In particular, we also discuss what should NOT be done any more in future. Which of today’s common, rarely scrutinised activities can be omitted to make things better?
- How do you start and further fuel a self-reinforcing change?
Workshop 4: The Business Case
Participants: Selected representatives from all roles
- Identifying potential benefits
- How to measure and potentially monetize these benefits
- Participants identify and define benfit KPI’s
- Estimating future costs for software and coaching, along with internal efforts
Workshop 5: Management Review, Lessons Learned, and Decision
Participants: Management, selected representatives from other roles
- Retrospective: how satisfied are you with the results achieved in four weeks? What insights have been gained?
- The expected cost/benefit roadmap for the next 12 months
- Decision to continue or stop
Prerequisites for Companies
IT requirements:
- Initial requirements only include Microsoft Windows, Excel, and PowerPoint
- VISBO Cloud Software will be provided for use during the workshop series to update
Project and Portfolio Management Knowledge
- Knowledge of project and portfolio management is not required. Expertise and knowledge of the company’s core business are more important
- In the workshop series, an elementary understanding of projects is conveyed on this basis:
- the objectives of the project are <..>
- the project should be completed by <…> at the latest
- the most important milestone dates are < … >
- we estimate the personnel effort at < … person-days >
- We estimate the other costs at < . T€ >
- We expect savings or turnover from this plan or project in the amount of <… T€ >
Costs and Inclusions
The costs for the 5-workshops-in-4-weeks are a flat rate of €9,900.
The workshops take place on your company’s premises. The number of participants is not limited. We recommend no more than 20 participants per workshop for the most efficient realisation.
The following services are included in the all-inclusive price:
- Preparation, moderation and post-processing of the workshops
- Guidance and support in creating the business case and the cost/benefit roadmap
- Use of VISBO software for the duration of the workshop series
- Use of the VISBO elearning platform including all forms and checklists needed
- 9-to-5 VISBO support and questions by email, telephone, team or Zoom web session