Selected Use Cases

Portfolio Quick Scan

With Portfolio Quick Scan, your entire project portfolio is captured digitally within a very short time. Via web browser you have access to visualization, analysis and KPI’s of your project portfolio: overview of the most important deadlines and delivery scopes, overview of the workload and impending bottlenecks. This Quick Scan Portfolio is of particular benefit to small and medium-sized companies that want to digitally capture their project portfolio quickly. Without placing a heavy burden on their day-to-day business.


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What-if Simulations in Project-Portfolios

One or more new projects are coming up. But there are also quite a few projects already running and the available resources are already very tight, as well. Your dilemma: The new projects should absolutely be done, because you expect a great benefit from them. On the other hand: your people should not be overloaded because that would have negative impact on all other projects. For the new projects, you do have some room to maneuver in terms of scope, end date, and whether you do them internally or with external resources. Now just tell your digital assistant the various plan variants and room to maneuver. Then all you need to do is discuss the different proposed scenarios with your management, select the preferred one and start executing.


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Resource Management with Plan-in-Context

Staff your new projects in a flush. Just tell your digital assistant how many person days of what skill or role you do need. Your digital assistant will suggest who has the required skill and how much free capacity the person has in the required period.


Strategic Portfolio Planning

The annual drama: lots of projects, but not enough resources. Which projects to select and when to start them, so that priorities, dependencies as well as resource and skill availability are taken into account and a maximum of projects can be implemented? Simply tell your digital assistant about priorities, dependencies, room for maneuver, and the pool of resources and skills available.


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